Just the Thing: Books that complete the gift

Leave the bows aside this year because the cherry on top of that special gift is the perfect book. That’s why from now until December 7th we’ve got 20 book recommendations that are just the thing to complete every gift from those concert tickets you scored for your partner to that handmade scarf you knit for your BFF. PLUS: to make that sweet gift even sweeter, we’ll throw in our exclusive collection of literary holiday cards with every book purchase. Read on to find out what’s in store. 


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Concert tickets: To Me You Seem Giant (NeWest Press) & Steel Animals (Inanna Publications)Mugs & hot drinks: The Dead of Winter (Linda Leith Publishing) & Your Heart is the Size of Your Fist (Brindle & Glass)Libations & eats: The Right Road to Pontypool (J. Gordon Shillingford) & Eaten Back to Life (Invisible Publishing)Artisanal & DIY: Nobody Cares (ECW Press) & Magyarázni (Coach House Books)Luxury goods: Late Breaking (Biblioasis) & Peacock in the Snow (Inanna Publications)Travel accessories: Angela of the Stones (Thistledown Press) & The Philistine (Linda Leith Publishing)Bath & self-care products: Gloria’s Guy (Playwrights Canada Press) & What Kind of Man Are You (Brick Books)Sports memorabilia: Searching for Terry Punchout (Invisible Publishing) & Cobra Clutch (NeWest Press)Gardening tools & plants: Euclid’s Orchard & Other Essays (Mother Tongue Publishing) & Lightfield: The Photography of Thaddeus Holownia (Gaspereau Press)Lottery tickets & gift cards: Dying For a Drink: How a Prohibition Preacher Got Away With Murder (Biblioasis) & Closer (Coach House Books)  * * *Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with the hashtag #ALUJTT.
