In Review: The Week of October 12th

This week’s roundup includes a spooky Read Harder Challenge, a look at poetry and collage, a tasty vegan recipe, and more.


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On the Blog

~ This month’s #ReadHarderChallenge is perfect for spooky October reading: Phillip Ernest’s vampire horror novel The Vetala (Linda Leith Publishing) + follow-up reads~ Poet Kate Sutherland talks about collage work and the evolution of visuals in her fourth book of poetry The Bones Are There (Book*hug Press): My whole life, not just the poetry part, is dominated by text, and I wanted a break, especially from text on screens. So I got myself a good pair of scissors and some glue and embraced analogue collage.”~ #IndieReadingRoom author and celebrated Indigenous storyteller Richard Van Camp (Angel Wing Splash Pattern, Kegedonce Press) on writing short fiction: “I can usually see the ending first and it’s always so riveting to hold on and document the slow motion train crash leading up to it” ~ For World Food Day we serve up aCounty Heirlooms (Invisible Publishing), a cookbook and celebration of food producers making their mark in Prince Edward County

Around the Web

~ “Why should trans people trust non-trans authors to lead the conversation about our identities?” The Guardian~ At Frankfurt Book Fair, Canada showcases the diversity Indigenous authors have contributed to Canadian literature via DW Akademie~ “What Happens When Literary Events Move Online? A Look at the Book World’s New Digital Reality” via LitHub 

ICYMI (last week)

Test Kitchen: French Apple Cake

Get fall cozy with a French Apple Cake inspired by a similar cake from a sweet moment in Anne Cathrine Bomann’s charming novel Agatha from Book*hug Press
