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The Mongoose

By (author): Joana Mosi

In the aftermath of a devastating loss, Julia finds herself living with her unemployed brother Joel in their grandmother’s beach house, haunted by ghosts unseen and memories unspoken. Julia tries to convince her family and friends that she’s doing just fine, but when her nascent garden plot is destroyed one night, Julia becomes obsessed with finding the culprit… A mongoose whose existence no one else seems to believe in.

A powerful tale of grief from one of Europe’s most exciting young talents, The Mongoose is a stunning, formally-inventive graphic novel in the vein of Nick Drasno’s Sabrina and Richard McGuire’s Here.


Joana Mosi

Joana Mosi is an award-winning visual artist and cartoonist based in Lisbon, Portugal. Born and raised close to the sea, Joana has a really hard time sitting still in one place for a long time (which is a problem when your job requires you to spend lots of time at a drawing table) so she ends up traveling a lot, participating in art residencies and comics festivals across the globe. While she’s planning her next artistic endeavor, she stays fresh by teaching (and learning from) new generations of creators.


A touching and intelligent book tackling with finesse a delicate subject that is admirably conveyed in her drawings
JeanCharles Andrieu de Levis ActuaLitt

Disarmingly simple yet formidably effective
Mathieu Roy BDQG

With its pictogramlike graphic approach reminiscent of Chris Wares strips this deeply moving book is read through silences unspoken words ellipses and unadorned lines
JeanDominic Leduc Les Libraires


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192 Pages
8.25in * 6.25in * .5in


May 13, 2025


Pow Pow Press





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