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Talking Masksis a dramatic score whose themes collide, clash and harmonize. At its core are a son, two mothers and an absent father who, in exploring their intertwined fates, fuse two of the world’s most enduring myths: the tragedy of Oedipus and the tale of Isaac and Ishmael. What unfolds is a wild progression of rapid-fire interactions that reveal and expose as much as they conceal and mask about the Ôcharactors’.
“Riveting theatre, its arguments touching the mind while its emotions engage the heart.”
Ñ Jon Kaplan, NOW Magazine, on ANTIGONE : INSURGENCY
“A truly admirable play Ð the themes are fascinatingÉ the trio of actors wonderfully done, and the traces of the Jacob story very well modulated.”
Ñ Marjorie Perloff on ALL IS ALMOST STILL