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Cruise Control knows no borders, hurtling down BC’s Coquihalla Highway, sightseeing in Regina, tearing through Windsor, “plunging beneath the Earth” in Chicago, visiting some eccentric characters in Germany and even exploring the “non-presence (i.e. lostness)” of Atlantis.Ken Howe’s reckless intellect and insatiable curiosity for everything — Canadian geography, architecture, the experimental writing of Gertrude Stein, the “urban imperialist agenda” and even the “bright checkered tablecloth in Grandmother’s Pizza three A.M.” — flood off the page and drag us into an infinite current that unites all these concepts and objects and entices (or renews) our own understanding and interest in each with vitality and humour.
128 Pages
7.5in * 5.25in * 0.4in
September 05, 2002
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