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Concord Floral

By (author): Jordan Tannahill

Concord Floral is a one-million-square-foot abandoned greenhouse and a refuge for neighbourhood kids; a place all to themselves in which to dream, dare, and come of age. But hidden there is a secret no one wants to confront, and when two friends stumble upon it they set off an unstoppable chain of events, from shadows in parking lots to phone calls from the grave. It’s time for the teens of Concord Floral to start talking.


Jordan Tannahill

Jordan Tannahill is a Toronto-based playwright, director, and filmmaker. Through his company Suburban Beast, he has developed and presented plays at theatres including Buddies in Bad Times, Canadian Stage, Theatre Passe Muraille, and the Theatre Centre. Jordan is the 2011 recipient of the Inside Out Film Festival’s Emerging Canadian Artist Award, the 2011 Ken McDougall Award for Emerging Directors, and the 2012 Enbridge playRites Award. He runs a storefront theatre called Videofag in Toronto’s Kensington Market with his partner William.


“Artfully structured, yet full of suspense… it’s got style and substance—and is scary as all get out” —J. Kelly Nestruck, The Globe and Mail
“Masterfully blends naturalistic dialogue, poetic lyricism and magic realism. Concord Floral is an ensemble choral piece that packs a theatrical and emotional punch” —Jon Kaplan, NOW Toronto
“A brilliant modern Canadian fable.” —Annie Hodgins, Theatromania


  • Dora Mavor Moore Award for Best New Play 2015, Winner
  • Carol Bolt Award for Playwrights 2015, Winner
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    152 Pages
    8.50in * 5.50in * .50in


    March 07, 2016



    9781770914971 – EPUB

    9781770914964 – PDF

    9781770914988 – MobiPocket

    Book Subjects:

    DRAMA / Canadian



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