In Review: The Week of August 12th

This week we took to the patio again for a bookclub discussion of Missy Marston’s Bad Ideas (ECW Press), chatted with Bindu Suresh about writer’s block, played casting director with Sally Cooper’s With My Back to the World, and read The Nap-Away Motel, a debut novel that’s The Grand Budapest Hotel meets Scarborough.


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On the Blog

~ We chat with Bindu Suresh, author of 26 Knots (Invisible Publishing)about why she writes, her favourite books, and how she combats writer’s block: “My first trick is to try to prevent writer’s block by quitting while I’m ahead the day before[…]”~ With Missy Marston’s Bad Ideas (ECW Press) in hand, we bookclubbed patio-side: “The chapters almost read like vignettes, like they could almost standalone from the whole novel.”~ Author Sally Cooper dreamed up a superstar cast for her third novel With My Back to the World (Wolsak and Wynn) and now we need someone to adapt it, pretty please.~ Combine the grittiness of Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel with the complex characters and themes in Catherine Hernandez’s Scarborough, and you’ll get The Nap-Away Motel (Palimpsest Press), our First Fiction Friday.

Around the Web

~ It turns out plenty of people abandon classic novels, proving that older stuff isn’t always better.~ But also, ’80s and ’90s teen classics might deserve a resurrection.~ Indie presses Biblioasis and Freehand Books made it on the Toronto Book Award shortlist with Mike Barnes’ Be With: Letters to a Caregiver and Cary Fagan’s The Student.


“Indigenous Poetics, An Island in the Neutral Sea, and Decolonization Moves” by D.A. Lockhart
