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Woven Odes: A Celebration of National Poetry Month 2016

Spring is in the air, and so too, is our annual poetry celebration… it’s National Poetry Month! For those readers who haven’t followed along with any of our previous NPM series, we took a trip down memory lane yesterday. Now that everyone is caught up, we’re just going to pause for a second to say that this year we’re going even BIGGER. One hundred and thirty-one poets big.


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Spring is in the air, and so too, is our annual poetry celebration… it’s National Poetry Month! For those readers who haven’t followed along with any of our previous NPM series, we took a trip down memory lane yesterday.Now that everyone is caught up, we’re just going to pause for a second to say that this year we’re going even BIGGER. One hundred and thirty-one poets big.
Throughout the month of April we’re going to take you on a journey through the vast Canadian poetic landscape. To help you navigate this journey, we’ve created a constellation of poets. We’ve woven together each of our 131 poets in relation to each other to help you on your way to discovering your next great poetry read. Just a warning before you go down the poetry rabbit hole: while many of these poets could be related in various ways and means, we focused on a particular collection and its influences for the sake of clarity.Each week in April we’ll focus on three different writers from our poetry web, unraveling their influences and sharing an excerpt from their latest collection from one of our publishers. These excerpts will be available as desktop wallpapers for you to download to dress your computer with some CanLit goodness. Follow along as we highlight the following poets:
Barry Dempster ~ Disturbing the Buddha ~ Brick Books | Blog feature
Kerry Gilbert ~ Tight Wire ~ Mother Tongue Publishing | Blog feature
Vivek Shraya ~ even this page is white ~ Arsenal Pulp Press | Blog feature
Adebe DeRango-Adem ~ Terra Incognita ~ Inanna Publications | Blog feature
Sarah de Leeuw ~ Skeena ~ Caitlin Press | Blog feature
Daniel Scott Tysdal ~ Fauxccasional Poems ~ Goose Lane Editions | Blog feature
Sarah Bernstein ~ Now Comes the Lightning ~ Pedlar Press | Blog feature
Terry Watada ~ The Game of 100 Ghosts ~ Mawenzi House | Blog feature
Stuart Ross ~ A Sparrow Came Down Resplendent ~ Wolsak & Wynn | Blog feature
Nick Thran ~ Mayor Snow ~ Nightwood Editions | Blog feature
Sandra Ridley ~ The Counting House ~ BookThug | Blog feature
Susan Holbrook ~ Throaty Wipes ~ Coach House Books | Blog feature
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If you love our poetry web and our desktop downloads, head over to our ALU Merch Shop. You can take home a poster of our poetry web and a set of post cards of the desktop downloads.We’ll leave you to play with the interactive poetry web and we’ll be back on Tuesday with our first featured poet!