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Unwrap Indie: Books for the Holidays

It’s the inaugural day of Unwrap Indie, a checklist of giftable books from one-of-a-kind indie presses. Match the distinctive personalities of the people on your gift list with our recommended book picks from now until November 26th.Bonus: take 15% off our #unwrapindie book picks until November 28th! 


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From now until Nov 28th we’re gifting 15% off all #unwrapindie books on All Lit Up! 

We, Jane by Aimee WallPhantompains by Therese EstacionTongues: On Longing and Belonging Through Language, edited by Eufemia Fantetti, Leonarda Carranza & Ayelet Tsabari
Songs for the Cold of Heart by Eric Dupont, translated by Peter McCambridgeMaker by Jim Upton Waswanipi by Jean-Yves Soucy
Ring by André Alexisink earl by Susan HolbrookAny Night of the Week by Jonny Dovercourt
Ghost’s Journey: A Refugee Story by Robin Stevenson, illustrated by Rainer OktovianusThe Loudest Bark by Lucie Gagnon and Gail Marlene Schwartz, illustrated by Amélie AyotteKiskajeyi: I AM READY by Michelle Sylliboy
The Quiet is Loud by Samantha GarnerFrost & Pollen by Helen HajnoczkyCounty Heirlooms by Leigh Nash & Natalie Wollenberg
Text and Context by Richard Greenblatt The New Canadian Curling Club by Mark CrawfordTwo Indians by Falen Johnson 
The Pineapples of Wrath by Cathon Lonely Boys by Sophie Bédard, translated by Helge Dascher & Robin LangLittle Russia by Francis Desharnais 
The Good Arabs by Eli Tareq El Bechelany-LynchPersonal Attention Roleplay by Helen Chau BradleyDear Black Girls by Shanice Nicole, illustrated by Kezna Dalz
Fuse by Hollay Ghadery The Language We Were Never Taught to Speak by Grace LauA Good Name by Yejide Kilanko 
Dream of No One But Myself by David Bradfordawâsis — kinky and dishevelled by Louise Bernice Halfe – Sky DancerFetishes of the Floating World by Don Domanski

Click the gift box to read more about our book picks for each publisher! (Boxes will be clickable as we reveal our picks each day.)

Book*hug Press Baraka Books Coach House Books Rebel Mountain Press Invisible Publishing J. Gordon Shillingford Pow Pow Press Metonymy Press Guernica Editions Brick Books * * *  Follow along on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook with the hashtag #unwrapindie until November 26th!Please note that due to supply chain delays, orders may take longer than usual to arrive. Please shop early to ensure books arrive in time to unwrap.