Excerpted: The Field by Dave Lapp

What happens when developers dig up a field on the edges of a Dave’s small town just as summer break begins?

We peek two vignettes of a long, hazy 1970s summer in Dave Lapp’s indelible graphic novel memoir The Field (Conundrum Press).


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Excerpt #1 fromThe Field

Excerpt #2 fromThe Field

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David Lapp is a graduate of the Ontario College of Art and Design and the University of Western Ontario. He has been teaching cartooning at the Art Gallery of Ontario for over twenty years. Dave has created three graphic novels, Drop In, Children of the Atom, and People Around Here, which have been published by Conundrum Press. Dave’s work was chosen for the Best American Comics series for 2010, 2011, and 2016. His work has also been nominated for an Ignatz and a Doug Wright award.

Thanks to Conundrum Press for supplying the excerpts from The Field, available here on All Lit Up.