Cozy Fest: Nancy Hundal + Stazy and the Magic List

Our next Cozy Fest reading is for the kiddos: writer and teacher Nancy Hundal reads from her fun and witchy middle-grade novel Stazy and the Magic List (Rebel Mountain Press). In this passage, main character Stazy gets some witch lessons (and nachos!) from her abuelita.

Now Reading on Cozy Fest: Nancy Hundal, Stazy and the Magic List.


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Nancy Hundal reads from Stazy and the Magic List
(Rebel Mountain Press)

About our reader

A photo of writer Nancy Hundal. She's a light-skinned woman with medium length dark blonde hair, and wears black-rimmed glasses.

Nancy Hundal has written many books for young people, including the BC Book Prize-winner I Heard My Mother Call My Name. She is a retired teacher-librarian who lives in Vancouver, BC. Nancy is also a singer like Rena, a lover of nature like Faye, a cat-person like Stazy, and hearing-impaired like Hali. 

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Thanks to Nancy for reading from her book for All Lit Up’s second-annual Cozy Fest! You can learn more about Stazy and the Magic List, and order from ALU or your fave local bookstore (via the Shop Local button), right here.

For more to come, or to catch up on the series, click here.