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The Blood of Five Rivers tells the story of a young man named Kaka, born and raised in a small, rural farming village in the Indian province of Punjab. Seizing on a unique opportunity to leave India, and to seek his fortunes abroad, Kaka is catapulted into a journey in which he becomes an unwitting witness to some of the most significant historical events in the latter half of the 20th century, many of which leave an indelible mark on him.
The Blood of Five Rivers tells the story of a young man named Kaka, born and raised in a small, rural farming village in the Indian province of Punjab. Seizing on a unique opportunity to leave India, and to seek his fortunes abroad, Kaka is catapulted into a journey in which he becomes an unwitting witness to some of the most significant historical events in the latter half of the 20th century, many of which leave an indelible mark on him.
336 Pages
8.25in * 5.25in * .75in
October 16, 2023
FICTION / Historical / General