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Is My Microphone On?

By (author): Jordan Tannahill

In another life I was a small bubble of foam on a wave coming to shore, and the wave broke, and I burst, and that was it. Before that I was a small stream, for centuries. And in another life I was a mortal girl. Which is this life. After thousands of years, I have a mouth. So if you don’t mind, Mom, Dad, I’m going to speak. I’m going to shout. When I become a human I’m going to use some words. Can you still hear me? Is my microphone on?

Young people have inherited a burning world. In this urgent and lyrical play, they reckon with the generations who have come before them, questioning the choices that have been made, and the ones that they will yet be forced to make. Is My Microphone On? is a play in the form of a protest song, in which a chorus of young performers hold the audience to account, and invite them to experience the world together anew.


Jordan Tannahill

Jordan Tannahill is a Toronto-based playwright, director, and filmmaker. Through his company Suburban Beast, he has developed and presented plays at theatres including Buddies in Bad Times, Canadian Stage, Theatre Passe Muraille, and the Theatre Centre. Jordan is the 2011 recipient of the Inside Out Film Festival’s Emerging Canadian Artist Award, the 2011 Ken McDougall Award for Emerging Directors, and the 2012 Enbridge playRites Award. He runs a storefront theatre called Videofag in Toronto’s Kensington Market with his partner William.


“It’s terrific theatre. Invigorating, challenging, entertaining . . . This is what political theatre should be.”

“An urgent call to action . . . Now, more than ever, we need to listen.”

“Unnerving . . . Disarming.”


  • Governor General’s Literary Awards 2023, Short-listed
  • Excerpts & Samples ×

    One day

    I will not think you know everything

    Or even as much as me

    Or maybe much at all

    I will be disappointed

    In you

    In myself

    For trusting you

    I will have to change my thinking

    Realise I am the adult

    I am the one taking care of you

    I don’t hate you because you’re weak

    Or because you’re scared

    Or because you’re wrong

    I told my Dad: I know you’re older than me in this life, I grant you that.

    But who knows how long it’s taken our souls to get here?

    There was one life I lived where I was a dog. I was owned by a family and they were very good to me.

    And there was another life, when I was a car. And this man drove around inside of me, just going to different appointments and stuff. And then he got rid of me, and I was in a junkyard for years. Just years and years sitting there, underneath all of these other crushed cars, because even though they crushed me into a cube, my soul was still stuck inside.

    And then in another life I was like a… a small bubble of foam on a wave coming to shore, and the wave broke, and I burst, and that was it, it was very quick

    But before that I was a small stream, for centuries

    And in another life I was a mortal girl

    Which is this life

    And in this life, I finally have the power to speak

    After thousands of years

    I have a mouth

    I have words

    So if you don’t mind



    I’m going to speak

    I’m going to shout

    When I become a human

    I’m going use some words

    Reader Reviews



    96 Pages
    8.50in * 5.20in * .50in


    September 20, 2022



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