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Good Victory

By (author): Mikka Jacobsen

Debut stories about the absurdity of growing up and being human in the twenty-first century.

A woman finds her childhood friend working in a booth at a psychic fair in the West Edmonton Mall courtyard. A lonely neuropsychology student steals cocaine from his lab rat in an effort to impress a Tinder date. A group of teenage girls play a dangerous game and discover a portal to another reality.

Good Victory explores the strangeness and absurdity of being human in the twenty-first century: high school dances, teen pregnancy, and the continued cultural relevance of Wayne’s World; fatalistic obsessions with karaoke bars and Dolly Parton; supposed pimps hiding under the Calgary Stampede watchtower. Both unsettling and illuminating, these stories shine light in dark places.


Mikka Jacobsen

Mikka Jacobsen is a fiction and nonfiction writer from Calgary, Alberta. Her work has appeared in The Fiddlehead, The Puritan, Prairie Fire, subTerrain, Canadian Notes & Queries, The Missouri Review, and Lit Hub, among others. Modern Fables, a collection of essays, is her debut book.


ltPgtltBgtPraise for ltIgtGood VictoryltIgtltBgtltPgtltPgtIn these taut revelatory slyly wry tales of sinister neighbours distracted mothers careless dads and bad friends Mikka Jacobsen probes the darkness that lurks around the edges of childhood and young womanhood with a gaze as unflinching and unsettling as Heather ONeills ltSTRONGgtLISA ALWARDltSTRONGgt author of ltEMgtCocktailltBRgtltBRgtltEMgtltPgtltPgtJacobsen wields precise sardonic prose to forge a suburban gothic landscape where dinner tables buses basements holiday party karaoke hold the potential for both nefariousness and redemption Her characters peddle in secrets that hover below the surface as these stories gloriously puncture our ost primal human wounds ltSTRONGgtADELE BARCLAYltSTRONGgt author of ltEMgtIf I Were in a Cage Id Reach Out for You ltEMgtand ltEMgtRenaissance NormcoreltBRgtltBRgtltEMgt

Mikka Jacobsens stories burn straight to the heart With wit confidence and a delicious kind of dark humour Jacobsen brings our deepest fears and desires to the surfaceand what a relief that is ltSTRONGgtNADINE SANDERGREENltSTRONGgt author of ltEMgtRabbit Rabbit RabbitltEMgtltPgtltPgtltBgtPraise for Mikka JacobsenltBgtltPgtltPgt wickedly good wickedly funny wickedly smart but also just plain wicked ltBgtSUZETTE MAYRltBgt author of ltIgtThe Sleeping Car PorterltIgtltPgtltPgt the ethos is reminiscent of Sheila Hetiunafraid to reveal its own intellect as it pushes through doubts romanticisms and conventional delusions toward revelation and a shimmering precarious clarity ltBgtALBERTA VIEWSltBgtltPgt


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240 Pages
8.50in * 5.50in * .60in


February 01, 2025


Freehand Books



Book Subjects:

FICTION / Short Stories



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