ALUx4: Four Party Drinks from the Chappy Hour Archives

All Lit Up is FOUR! If you, like us, are gathering friends to celebrate, you might very well be looking for cocktail recipes that work for a crowd. Well, dear readers, our resident mixologist Tan has combed her Chappy Hour archives and found four great group-sized cocktail recipes (all paired with poetry for a literary good time). Cheers to four more years!


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A rum punch pitcher for a backyard barbeque

de Book of MaryWhat You Need:
2 ½ cups dried sorrel*
3 oz. fresh ginger, grated
5 pimento berries
10 cups boiling water
2 cups sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice
*in a pinch, you can use hibiscus tea to make this infusion.
What to Do:Place sorrel, ginger, and pimento berries in a large pot or mixing bowl. Pour boiling water over the ingredients; stir and place in fridge overnight to steep. Using a large strainer, pour the steeped liquid into another container; use a spoon to squeeze more liquid out of the sorrel. Add sugar, lemon juice, and rum to sorrel and stir until sugar has dissolved. Serve!*  *  * 

An autumn warmer for sipping around a campfire

MaunderWhat You Need:
1 gallon fresh apple cider or unfiltered apple juice
1 medium orange
2 star anise
1 knob (1 1/2-inch) fresh ginger
5 (3-inch) cinnamon sticks
1 tablespoon whole cloves
cranberries (optional)
What to Do:Slice orange and ginger. Slip cloves, anise, and ginger into a reusable tea bag. Add all ingredients to large pot or slow cooker. Add cranberries now if you want some sharp flavour or colour in your cider. Simmer on the lowest setting for an hour or so on the stove, or for 4 hours in a slow cooker. Serve in a mug or stein glass.*  *  *

A flight of shots for your favourite sinners

Shoot over to the full flight of seven sinful shooters & chase it down with poetry from Angela Hibbs’ Sin Eater
*  *  *

Dog-themed drinks for your pack of pals

Off Leash
*  *  *In case you’ve “four”gotten, we’re giving away lots of great stuff to celebrate this week-long birthday blitz. Check out our Instagram page @alllitupcanada to find out how you can get your hands on our ALUx4 prize packs.