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All Lit Up Press Picks for the Holidays: Annick Press

Picture book lovers, rejoice! The kids book pros at Toronto-based Annick Press have selected three heartwarming, gorgeous picture books for the littles (and art lovers) in your life.

Press Picks for the Holidays: Annick Press


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All Lit Up Press Picks for the Holidays.

Âmî Osâwâpikones (Dear Dandelion) by SJ Okemow

A photo of Ami Osawapikones (Dear Dandelion).

Selected by Stephanie Strachan, Trade Marketing Manager & Acquisitions Editor:

“I can’t recommend Âmî Osâwâpikones (Dear Dandelion) by SJ Okemow enough. This beautiful ode to the simplest of weeds, the dandelion, will pull at your heartstrings. I love SJ’s lyrical story and soft illustrations as we follow a young girl through the changes of the seasons. The parallels between her journey and the life cycle of the dandelion is so thoughtful, and the message of self-love and perseverance is timeless.”

Find Âmî Osâwâpikones (Dear Dandelion) here on All Lit Up or use the Shop Local button to purchase from your local indie bookstore.

Salma Makes a Home by Danny Ramadan,
Illustrated by Anna Bron

A photo of Salma Makes a Home, held up in front of a leafy wall.

Selected by Sarah Dunn, Publicity Manager:

“The dynamic duo behind the picture book Salma the Syrian Chef are back with a new chapter book series featuring the delightful Salma. In Salma Makes a Home, Salma’s dad is finally joining the rest of the family in Vancouver after almost two years apart. But Baba misses Syria, which causes Salma to worry he’ll leave and return to Damascus. Ultimately, Salma’s concerns are allayed as she and her parents find ways to honour their former home in their new one. I dare you not to fall in love with this charming family.”

Find Salma Makes a Home here on All Lit Up or use the Shop Local button to purchase from your local indie bookstore.

Sam Francisco, King of the Disco by Sarah Tagholm,
Illustrated by Binny Talib

A photo of Sam Francisco, King of the Disco.

Selected by Amanda Olson, Marketing and Sales Director:

“Do you love cats? Do you love music? How about cats who love music?! This rhyming picture book has the best cast of kitty characters, including Sam Francisco (the David Bowie of cats) and fan fave Billy-Bob Bananas (‘still in his pyjamas?!’) who won’t let Buzzkill Bill stop their nighttime dance party. Joyful art, including fabulous endpapers, round things out to make this the purr-fect picture book to give anyone.”

Find Sam Francisco, King of the Disco here on All Lit Up or use the Shop Local button to purchase from your local indie bookstore.

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For more Press Picks for the Holidays, click here.