In Review: The Week of November 5th

This week we warmed up with a borscht recipe, shared photos from our trip to the world renowned Frankfurt Book Fair, chatted with authors, and so much more. 


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On the Blog

~ We went intercontinental for this edition of Field Trip in which we share highlights from our first-ever Frankfurt Book Fair. ~ We “beet” the rainy-weather-blues with this recipe for borscht from Jane Reid’s Freshly Picked: A Locavore’s Love Affair with BC’s Bounty (Caitlin Press).~ Author Ian Weir chatted with us about about obsessive-compulsive writing tics (starring a Doctor Who mug), why he doesn’t believe in writer’s block, and more: “there’s nothing like daily journalism to disabuse you of the notion that waiting for inspiration is a reasonable solution.” ~ Author Lynne Golding shares with us how her debut novel The Innocent (Blue Moon Publishers) took shape after eight years of chats with her 100-yr-old great aunt: “I confess I never told her that she was its protagonist.”~ Our #fridayreads pick is All of Us in Our Own Lives (Freehand Books), a deeply engaging novel about the lives of women and girls in Nepal and the ethics of international aid.

Around the Web

~ We hear a lot about writer’s block, but what if your readerly eyes need more exercise? Mental Floss has 8 tips on overcoming “reader’s block.”~ Collins Dictionary is amping up environmental awareness with its 2018 word of the year: “single-use.”~ The British Library is opening an exhibition all about literature’s favourite cats, once again proving that where there are books there are cats. 


What Else We’re Reading

With Remembrance Day coming up, we’re reading last year’s Lambda-nominated translation of The Case of Alan Turing (Arsenal Pulp Publishers). 
