In Review: The Week of June 19

This week we extended National Aboriginal Day because one day just isn’t enough, and added some new words to our Pride Month glossary.


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On the Blog

~ For National Aboriginal Day, we interviewed Indigenous playwright Cliff Cardinal, author of Huff & Stitch (Playwrights Canada Press) in this funny and candid Writer’s Block.~ In Jules’s Tools for Social Change, Dawn Dumont opens up about her new book, Glass Beads (Thistledown Press) and First Nations culture.~ We sharedThe Native Voice. 


~ Our Top 10 list of LGBTQ books has our Pride spirit on a real high.

Around the Web

~ The CBC shared this essential read on trans literature by poet Gwen Benaway.~ Frankenstein for the age of Black Lives Matter.~ Emma Watson is hiding books around Paris and proves once again why she’s one of our faves.

What We’re Reading

We’re reading Meaghan Strimas’ Trillium-Award-winning Yes or Nope from Mansfield Press this weekend.
