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2023 ALU Bookish Resolutions

Nothing says “Happy New Year!” like accountability, so our ALU team set their bookish intentions for a year of reading ahead.


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Tan’s Resolution: Read More Non-Fiction

I have been an avid fiction reader all my life, but my non-fiction reading really comes in fits and starts, usually tied to a project of some kind. I resolve to read more literary non-fiction in 2023, on a variety of topics. Here are a few titles that have my attention:

Note: Books with a * are part of the ebooks for Everyone collection.

Christie’s Resolution: Read More Fiction

I always find that I’m leaning more towards nonfiction and poetry. By the end of December when I’m rounding up to see what I’ve read for the year, I notice I’m never reading enough fiction—I think it’s my soft spot for memoirs. This year I plan on diversifying my yearly reading list by tossing some fiction titles in.

Lauren’s Resolution: Re-Read Old Favourites

With so many incredible books coming out year after year, it’s hard to reread books when there’s an abstract idea out there that you’re somehow “falling behind.” Not so in 2023 – life’s way too short! In addition to reading the new releases on my radar, I’ll be making some time for revisiting old favourites – Carolyn Smart’s Hooked (Brick Books – an ebook for Everyone), Téa Mutonji’s Shut Up, You’re Pretty (Arsenal Pulp Press), and Dominique Scali’s In Search of New Babylon (Talonbooks) are all on the TBR-R (that’s to be re-read) pile.

Laura’s Resolution: Read More Books, Read Less Phone

Read more books, period, and put down the phone (a repeat resolution, sigh). Let #Read2023 begin!

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Do you have a 2023 reading resolution? Let us know in the comments below or on our social media channels @alllitupcanada.