Two Poems: Attic Rain by Samantha Jones

Samantha Jones’s debut collection Attic Rain (NeWest Press) puts obsessive-compulsive disorder centre stage through explorations of time, space, and relationships. Lines and words repeat, write over themselves, and read top to bottom and back again, emphasizing themes of self-doubt, anxiety, and negotiation for control.

Below we share two poems from the collection that call out habits in acts of agency.

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Two Poems from Attic Rain

A poem titled "Something, Something the Tip of the Iceberg"

Worries calving into home
and work and everywhere in between
underwater under pressure undercutting until
I tumble and collapse into the sea.
A wave sucks me down
into a frigid pool,
but I am ice.
I push back to the surface,
My apex bobs up over and over
and punctures the slick skin 
between sea and sky.

A poem titled "All of My Unfinished Darlings"

I return again and again
to dig for errors, omissions
an ongoing excavation
that flips progress
inside out. I promise
to just fix the hem
but leave the stitches loose,
a flap half-dangling
held up with a safety pin

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Samantha Jones is an earth scientist, writer, and copyeditor based in Moh’kins’tsis (Calgary, Alberta). She describes herself as mixed-race, or both Black Canadian and white settler. She is committed to sharing knowledge and building community—Samantha sits on the Canthius editorial board and develops and delivers creative writing workshops, including founding the Diverse Voices Roundtable for BIPOC Writers at the Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society in 2020, and facilitating the series for three years. Samantha has a BSc. (Hons.) in Earth Sciences from Dalhousie University and an MSc. in Geology with a specialization in Planetary Science from the University of Calgary. She completed the Creative Writing Certificate through Continuing Education at the University of Calgary and is an alumna of the Iceland Writers Retreat and the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity Spring Writers Retreat. She is currently a PhD Candidate in Geography at the University of Calgary, where she received several prestigious awards including NSERC Postgraduate and Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Doctoral Scholarships.

Photo of Samantha Jones by Silver Sabre Media Grou

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