It’s that time of year again, the one that kids loathe and parents love: back to school. Whether you’re living it or remembering it, school will bring forth a lot of memories for everyone, both good and bad. In today’s Top 10 we’re reminiscing some of our school memories that pretty much everyone can relate to.
ALU Editor
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It’s that time of year again, the one that kids loathe and parents love: back to school. Whether you’re living it or remembering it, school will bring forth a lot of memories for everyone, both good and bad. In today’s Top 10 we’re reminiscing some of our school memories that pretty much everyone can relate to.* * *10. Making New FriendsAs October Schwartz finds out in The Dead Kid Detective series by Evan Munday (ECW Press), part of the joy of going to school is making new friends. However, in October’s case, they’re dead so…
9. Finding ways to fit in or deciding to opt outIt can be tough trying to fit in at school if that’s just not you. However, deciding to embrace your own uniqueness will open up new doors and new friendships with people who just get you. This is something Lemon discovers in Cordelia Strube’s novel (Coach House Books).8. Discovering an extracurricular activityAs the main characters in the three plays that make up the Fish Eyes Trilogy by Anita Majumdar (Playwrights Canada Press) discover, discovering an after school activity that you can be passionate about can help you express yourself (and make new friends, see #10).
7. Completing your volunteer hoursSixteen-year-old Pippa from Rule of Thirds by Chantel Guertin (ECW Press) totally gets it when it comes to completing your volunteer hours.6. Discovering the place where everyone hangs outThe Peach Pit. The Max. The Bronze. Every high school show ever has had that one place where everyone hangs out. Think back and you probably remember that place where all the high school groups would come together and hang out together, but separately. In Concord Floral by Jordan Tannahill (Playwrights Canada Press), the titular location is that place: a one-million-square-foot abandoned greenhouse, until things get strange that is.5. That major project you’re equally excited about and dreadingIf you’re even a little bit of a book nerd, you were probably slightly excited by the prospect of a project that you needed to flex your bookish skills to research. But the prospect of having to present that project to the whole class when it was finished was a little scary. Jessie gets it: in Project Superhero by E. Paul Zehr (ECW Press) she’s excited by a yearlong research project on superheroes but not so much for the big finale: a debate battle.4. Taking up a causeIf you’re anything like Alex and Tracy from The Dilettantes by Michael Hingston (Freehand Books), you’re willing to put your name and time on the line for a cause that you believe passionately in. In their case, they’re trying to save their campus newspaper from a big-money free daily.3. Ugh, night classesSuper fun times ensue when you have to go to a three-hour class at 7 o’clock at night when all your buddies are slacking off. Imagine trying to learn something under those circumstances. Brendan from The Guy Who Pumps Your Gas Hates You by Sean Trinder (NeWest Press) actually does okay at his night class though, flexing his creativity to get himself out of his rut and onto a new life.
2. Join a sports teamAs Isabel in Twenty Miles by Cara Hedley (Coach House Books) discovers, joining a team can be both awesome and tough.1. Unrequited LoveWe’ve all been there to varying degrees: spotting that one person that catches your eye across the cafeteria, believing that you were meant to be. Until you realize they have no idea you even exist. It’s part of the school experience. Just ask Jacob from For the Love of Mary by Christopher Meades (ECW Press). He thinks Mary is the cat’s pajamas, but she’s dating a youth pastor and her father is the minister at his family’s rival church. It’s not looking good.