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Read Harder Challenge #17

Our final Read Harder Challenge of the year is all about bingeable book series and more bookish challenges to get you reading harder, too!


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Read Harder Challenge 17: Read the last book in a series

Book: Ancient Fall  by Jamie Mann
the final book in the Legend of Rhyme Series (Blue Moon Publishers)

About the book: The Legend of Rhyme depicts a wondrous world populated with fairies and ogres, good witches and bad. Twin protagonists have to learn to use magic and complete a long and complicated quest to save all the realms. In our final installment, Vengeful Mother Earth has finally decided to fight back against the humans who, under the power of a dark curse, have been abusing her for centuries.Tan’s take: So. Many. Siblings! For my last challenge, I chose the last book in the The Legend of Rhyme, tracing everyone’s story to its dramatic conclusion. It is action packed and lots of fun, moving through all the magic realms of the series to date. I had just enough recap to stay in the story, which was great. That being said, I highly recommend binging your series rather than reading the last book as a stand alone! You can find the complete Legend of Rhyme series here.Check out these other completed series:

Looking for ways to complete other Read Harder 2020 challenges? We got you covered…

Read a memoir by someone from a religious tradition (or lack of religious tradition) that is not your own.
Try: Choosing HopeMunira Premji (Mawenzi House)

Read a food book about a cuisine you’ve never tried before
Try: East Coast Keto by Bobbi Pike (Breakwater Books)

Read a romance starring a single parent
Try: Misconduct of the Heart (ECW Press)

Read a doorstopper (over 500 pages) published after 1950, written by a woman
Try: Ducks, Newburyport  (Biblioasis)

Read a sci-fi/fantasy novella
Try: L (and things come apart) by Ian Orti (Invisible Publishing)

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Thanks for following along with us this year as we took on the Read Harder Challenge