QUIZ: Which character are you?

School’s almost out and the kids are going to need something to read this summer to keep their brains active. Luckily, the Odyssey of a Slave series written by Patrick Bowman, published by Ronsdale Press, came to an epic conclusion recently so the kids can get the whole story, one through three, right away. A retelling of Homer’s Odyssey, the trilogy follows Alexi, a young Trojan boy taken prisoner after the fall of Troy. Along his journey back to Ithaca with Odysseus, Alexi encounters a whole cast of characters.


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School’s almost out and the kids are going to need something to read this summer to keep their brains active. Luckily, the Odyssey of a Slave series written by Patrick Bowman, published by Ronsdale Press, came to an epic conclusion recently so the kids can get the whole story, one through three, right away.

A retelling of Homer’s Odyssey, the trilogy follows Alexi, a young Trojan boy taken prisoner after the fall of Troy. Along his journey back to Ithaca with Odysseus, Alexi encounters a whole cast of characters.

Get to know the characters a little better in this BuzzFeed-style quiz!

1. If trapped in a cave with a one-eyed, man-eating giant, would you:
a. Shout insults at the giant until it gets embarrassed and leaves
b. Tell it to eat your brother, he’s much bigger
c. Get it drunk on homemade wine and poke it in the eye
d. Tell it that humans are high in cholesterol and will give it heart problems
e. Predict the day it will die and duck out while it laughs
f. Accidentally spill hot coals on its foot; it won’t help but it’ll delay being eaten

2. Which kind of dog are you?

3. What boots do you prefer?
a. Alligator hide, if I caught the gator myself
b. Truck tires. What? I retain water
c. Cowboy. Ah does a lotta kickin’
d. English wellingtons. Ugly but they never wear out
e. Banana boats, so everyone knows when I’m coming
f. Converse. If they’re not boots they should be
4. Choose your weapon:
a. Give me a good, hard rock any day.
b. Weapon? I use my hands.
c. A giant wooden horse. Just wait till you see what I do with it.
d. A heat-seeking missile. Better yet, a whole silo full.
e. A binder full of trained wasps
f. A pillowcase stuffed with doorknobs
5. Choose a vacation:
a. Shooting the Colorado river rapids. With a water pistol
b. Hiking up Mt. Kilimanjaro backwards, to see the view
c. Two solid weeks of polar bear swims
d. A tour of the world’s great libraries
e. A guided tour through a sno-cone machine
f. A visit to Narnia
6. Choose a mode of travel:
a. Anything on dry land
b. On the back of one of those armoured bears
c. Standing on two galloping horses, reins in my teeth
d. A hot-air balloon
e. Riding in a cloud of millions of butterflies
f. On the back of a centaur

  • If you answered mostly A, you’re most like young Alexi, the lead in this adventure story. Alexi is considered headstrong, clever, practical, intelligent, emotional, and maybe just a bit of a loner by most who meet him.
  • If you answered mostly B, you’re most like Pharos, one of the Greek crewmen who helps Alexi when he can. He’s slow moving, patient, passive, very perceptive, quiet, and leads a simple life.
  • If you answered mostly C, you’re most like Lopex aka Odysseus (though no one ever calls him that). Son of Laertes and leader of the Greeks on their expedition from Troy, Lopex is ambitious, aloof, bold, proud, yet sometimes manipulative.
  • If you answered mostly D, you’re most like Kassander. Also a Trojan taken as a slave, like Alexi, Kassander is cautious, practical, knowledgeable, and perceptive.
  • If you answered mostly E, you’re most like Cassie, the Trojan king’s daughter. Her enslavement after the fall of Troy makes her act a little crazy, excitable, and illogical at times.
  • If you answered mostly F, you’re most like Ameera, the young girl Alexi saves from getting polished. She is sympathetic, soft-hearted, talkative, yet sometimes a little careless.

Get the whole story on which character you got by reading the Odyssey of a Slave Trilogy: Torn from Troy, Cursed by the Sea God, and Arrow Through the Axes. A fun series to read this summer once school is out!