Signature Editions

About The Publisher

Signature Editions

Begun in 1986 as a student collective at Montreal’s Concordia University under the name Nuage Editions, the press became a sole proprietorship in 1991 and was relocated to Winnipeg in 1998. In 2001 the press name was changed to Signature Editions. Signature publish seven to ten titles a year in the genres of literary fiction and mysteries, non-fiction, poetry, and drama. They specializes in Canadian writing of literary merit, with a list that includes established writers as well as newcomers from across the country. Their books have been honoured with many awards and nominations, including Governor General’s Awards, Manitoba Book Awards, QWF Awards, the Jewish Book Award, the Atlantic Poetry Prize, the Pat Lowther Award, the Acorn- Plantos People’s Poetry Award, the ReLit Award, the John Glassco Translation Prize, and the CAA Awards.

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Books by Signature Editions
