Poetry in Motion: Ashley-Elizabeth Best + Bad Weather Mammals 

In her new collection Bad Weather Mammals (ECW Press), Ashley-Elizabeth Best navigates the challenges and joys of living in a disabled and traumatized body and looks at how medical systems dehumanize our most vulnerable citizens.

Hear Ashley-Elizabeth read “Proud Flesh” and “Absence” from the collection and some words about her poetic style.

The cover of Bad Weather Mammals


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Poetry in Motion

Bad Weather Mammals is an excavation, or perhaps an investigation, through poetry of the devastations and joys of living in a disabled and traumatized body. My poetic style can be eclectic, and in this collection, I use multiple formal constraints to humanize medical and bureaucratic systems that continue to retraumatize our most vulnerable citizens and keep them in a poverty loop. I am a disabled/queer person that grew up with a disabled mother who subsisted on ODSP and I have four younger siblings. That lived experience, as well as living on ODSP myself after becoming disabled when I was 20, informs my writing. What is my poetic style? I’m not sure. I guess whatever works to dissemble dominant narratives about the disabled and recenter us in our own narrative. The craft is a vehicle for the content. I want to hear from those surviving and those who learned to thrive. I am asking the reader to witness injustices refracted between individuals and the ensuing dysfunction in families and of course, attempts at reclaiming joy.


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Ashley-Elizabeth Best is a disabled poet and essayist from Kingston, ON. Her work can be found in the Capilano ReviewNew Welsh ReviewCV2AmbitMslexia, and Chatelaine. Recently, she was a finalist for the CBC Literary Award for Poetry.

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Bad Weather Mammals is available now, here or from your favourite indie bookstore.

For more Poetry in Motion, click here.