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Poetry Grrrowl: Unearthing Secrets, Gathering Truths + Jules Arita Koostachin
In today’s Poetry Grrrowl feature, we chat with Jules Arita Koostachin about her debut book of poetry Unearthing Secrets, Gathering Truths(Kegedonce Press) – an honest and heartfelt collection that courageously brings her face-to-face with her past. In our interview with Jules, below, she shares her experience with writing poetry as a form of meditation and a way to find both peace and meaning. Read on for the Q&A and a poem from her collection titled “Shaking Tent.”
Interview with the Poet
All Lit Up: Tell us about your collection.I started writing as a young child; it was a natural creative process for me. I used it to escape and to travel to other worlds in my head. Also, it was my way of dealing with the world around me; I would go into another zone – the words on the page became a portal. When I became a young adult I continued with my writing, and even to this day, I write to find inner peace. I started writing my collection Unearthing Secrets, Gathering Truths over 20 years ago…it took me a long time to get it published. There are poems in the collection that date back to the early ’90s. I’m happy it is finally out there in the world, and has a life of its own.All Lit Up: What is your process for beginning a poem? Has it changed since you began writing?It’s the same as when I was a child, I start with an idea and write – either in my journal or at my computer. I get lost in the words, and my feelings. I am a visual thinker, so writing allows me to create worlds, situations and characters. It also helps with my stress, I write for the sake of writing – meaning that when I am dealing with something challenging in my life, I write to explore my feelings and thoughts. All Lit Up: What sparked your initial love of poetry?Still to this day, I find refuge in my imagination, and writing is a type of meditation for me. It is a way for me to channel stories from another time and place. In high school, I was gifted a book of poetry by William Wordsworth and I immediately fell in love with his words. I remember that I read it over and over again…I could not only see his words in my minds eye, but I could also feel his love and pain. Then later, I was introduced to Chrystos, an Indigenous poet; her writing resonated with me, and I was soon inspired to write from my own lived experience. I really engage with poets who can paint landscapes with their words, and I believe this is because InNiNiMoWin (Swampy Cree language) is a very animated and descriptive language and a way of understanding the world we live in. All Lit Up: Who are some of your fave women poets? Lee Maracle, Joanne Arnott and Chrystos – they are all strong Indigenous IskWeWak (women) who I deeply respect. All Lit Up: What do you find most informs and inspires your writing?The spirit of the narrative…* * *A Poem from Unearthing Secrets, Gathering Truths
“Shaking Tent”red blood scarf
soft and long
wrapped around my head
keeping my hair in place
I enter the portal gospel music
out of tune
no shame
our language consumes me
pulling me home
plummeting me back from the dreamland
back into the pew
I am now beside KoKoom
she prays under her breath
my heart hits hard against my armor of ribs
I want to get out of this place
church is not for me
 Shaking Tent
heart thrashing
beating its way out of me
I take KoKoom’s hand in mine
we walk out the door
so this is sovereignty?
turning our back on their gods
returning to our own ceremonies
twirling about
shaking tent sits abandoned
pleasured by our presence
it opens itself up to us
the passage to another dimension
Indian time machine
no present
no past
no future
multiple dimensions
spirits rejoice
celebrate the return
singing aloud
we pray together
KoKoom and I
I am the seer
they embrace us
we share this spirit place
no time or in-between
Indian Spirits
Little People
WinTiKo – Hungry Spirit
OChiSkwaCho – Sacred Being
Tricksters assemble
revealing truths
they tease
gossip about the living
drinking hot root tea
roots sweeten the water
mixing in lard with their long skinny digits
radio bingo blasting
belly laughs
feasting on bannock and berries
they play poker too
with cigarettes burning
smokes hanging from their drying lips
this is the gathering of the Shape Shifters
 they have been waiting for our return
they are the Spirit Beings
speaking ageless words
ridiculing the living
as trauma pollutes our minds
mocking the English spoken by Indians
English is a disease they scream
it is spreading from generation to generation
poisoning the link to the ancient ones
disengaging us from the old stories
stories with life
our words are strong
once connecting the living with the dead
now what do they do?
 KoKoom and I dream
we enter through the passage way
traveling through time and space
Shaking Tent Ceremony revived
Indian style
we travel
witness the existence of other being
Sky people
entire relations converse
there is no divide
nothing separates us from them
AaTimWak – dogs guard the portals
crows and ravens watch
KoKoom and I light the fire
fire so big
flames lick the still air
for the living to see
* * *