Literary Awards Hangover: 2018 Edition

You’d think after four literary hangovers, we’d be better at managing our awards-fuelled reading binges and calling it a night. Proving once again that moderation isn’t our strong suit, we bring you our fifth annual Literary Awards Hangover, a coffee-sipping, greasy-spoonin’ celebration where we pair this year’s nominees with just-as-deserving indie followups.


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Click on the links below to find out more about each of the winners and indie follow-ups below.
Land Mammals and Sea Creatures by Jen Neale (ECW Press)
Dear Evelyn by Kathy Page (Biblioasis)
Jonny Appleseed by Joshua Whitehead (Arsenal Pulp Press) 
Zolitude by Paige Cooper (Biblioasis)
Blood Fable by Oisín Curran (Book*hug)
Under Her by Alexei Perry Cox (Insomniac Press)
Watch How We Walk by Jennifer LoveGrove (ECW Press)
Canticles I by George Elliott Clarke (Guernica Editions)
Adjacentland by Rabindranath Maharaj (Wolsak and Wynn)
The Red Word by Sarah Henstra (ECW Press)
Ledger of the Open Hand by Leslie Vryenhoek (Breakwater Books)
Her Paraphernalia by Margaret Christakos (Book*hug)
Songs for the Cold of Heart by Eric Dupont, translated by Peter McCambridge (Baraka Books)