In Review: The Week of July 3rd

This week we got excited about the Indigenization of CanLit, and the official kick off of our summer book club, and more (but you’ll have to keep reading).


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On the Blog

~ Post Canada Day, we reflected on our nation’s history of mistreating Indigenous peoples with a post about Indigenizing CanLit.~ Our book club is in full force with Jeremy Hanson-Finger’s Death and the Intern from Invisible Publishing. Bookclub with us?~ We featured Jordan Abel reading from his award-winning collection Injun in Poetry in Motion~ Bad Endings (Anvil Press) is Nora Ephron, Hunter S. Thompson, and Rachel Carson all in one.

Around the Web

~ Even Jane Austen liked a good trashy novel according to this letter she wrote.~ Did you know Margaret Atwood is a big time Drake fan? She even wants him to appear on the Handmaid’s Tale. (Photo on left by Kevin Winter)~ In 1916 this poet would have been inspiration for The Onion.

What Else We’re Reading

If GLOW is in your Netflix queue, you’ll want to check out Sisterhood of the Squared Circle from ECW Press. The book presents a compelling history of women’s wrestling, from the carnival circuit of the late 1800s to the present, and features rare photos and wrestler profiles.
