In Review: The Week of July 20th

This week we serve up big pool party energy, reading follow-ups, Scarborough, and much more!


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On the Blog

~ We serve big POOL PARTY energy with this cover collage of blue book covers — all rad reads to ramp up your summer vibes.~ Our July edition of #ALUbookclub wraps up with four perfect followup reads to Shani Mootoo’s Polar Vortex (Book*hug Press).~ Cordelia Strube tells us why she chose Scarborough, Ontario as the setting of her new novel Misconduct of the Heart (ECW Press): “Scarborough as a setting provided the opportunity to juxtapose the stark world of strip malls, franchise restaurants, big box stores and their requisite parking lots with pockets of treed and tranquil neighbourhoods.”~ Endre Farkas talks to us about being a genre fluid writer, the very real struggle between googling and writing, and his new sequel Home Game (Signature Editions): “Writing is not what I do. Writing is what I am. Maybe it’s a romantic notion, but it’s true for me.”

Around the Web

~ Canada Reads 2020 wraps up with this year’s winner: We Have Always Been Here by Samra Habib, defended by Amanda Brugel.~ The 2020 International Book Awards recognizes Canadian indies including books published by Inanna Publications and Guernica Editions: The Allspice Bath by Sonia Saikaley (Inanna Publications) and The Envy of Paradise by Jocelyn Cullity (Inanna Publications), Carousel by April Ford (Inanna Publications), The Transaction by Guglielmo D’Izzia (Guernica Editions).~ Teen rom-com Clueless and it’s still lauded as the best Jane Austen adaptation.


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