In Review: The Week of July 15th

From author interviews to our take on film adaptation to the Tough Mudder of vocabulary tests, our weekly roundup has it all and more! 


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On the Blog

~ With Priyanka Chopra & Dev Patel as leads & director Kamal Hassan at the helm, we imagined a film adaptation of Paper Lions (Mawenzi House) an epic multi-generational novel about India.~ Author Karen Hofmann of July #ALUbookclub pick Echolocation (NeWest Press) talks to us about bringing characters to life in her stories: “I’m always searching for the really resonant phrase or image, and the character grows out of those.” ~ We went under the cover of science journalist Dan Falk’s new book, The Science of Shakespeare (Goose Lane Editions), to find out about how French essayist Michel de Montaigne might hold the key to new discoveries about the Bard.~ Eve Joseph, author of the Griffin Poetry Prize-winning collection Quarrels (Anvil Press) shares more about the surreal nature of her writing and how a focus on the minute moments of reality helps to take the reader to those borderless places of the imagination: “I don’t think of these poems as not having borders; rather, I see them as tapping into a borderless imagination. A space where anything is possible.”

Around the Web

~ Reading retreats for when your TBR pile is too long and your scrolling finger needs a break. ~ If it takes a team to bring a book to life, should books include credits like movies? ~ For regular readers of the Oxford, this difficult-to-pass STAT vocab quiz might be a badge of honour.



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