For that special lady in your life (we’re talking about your mom, of course!)

This Sunday is Mother’s Day. To help you out with some ideas of what to get a book-loving momma, we’ve put together a few suggestions depending on what type of books your mom loves to read.


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This Sunday is Mother’s Day. To help you out with some ideas of what to get a book-loving momma, we’ve put together a few suggestions depending on what type of books your mom loves to read.


Roost / Sunglasses / Hat / Strawberry Peach Vodka Collins Popsicles / Image

If your mom deserves a break and loves to read novels that entertain, dropping her into the fictional lives of others, then Roost by Ali Bryan (Freehand Books, 2013) is a sure-fire winner.

Roost is hilarious… The details — of setting, of interaction, of the endless tumult of family life — are spot-on. It’s easy to underrate both the comedic and domestic spheres, but Bryan’s domestic comedy, laced with grief, unearths the complexities of the daily grind.” — Sue Sinclair, National Post, April 12, 2013

Practicing Feminist Mothering / Notebook / Tote Bag / Fair Trade Milk Hot Chocolate / Image

For the feminist mother who’s willing to take up the cause, Practicing  Feminist Mothering by Fiona Joy Green (ARP Books, 2011) is just the thing. It  explores the realities of feminist mothering from the perspectives of  both mother and child through in-depth interviews that were conducted  with feminist mothers and their adult children from 1995 to 2007.

A Cowherd in Paradise / Glasses / White Chocolate Scones / Tea / Image

Is your mom the keeper of the family tree? Is she interested in family history, both her own family and the interesting stories of others? If so, then A Cowherd in Paradise: From China to Canada by May Q. Wong (Brindle & Glass, 2012) is an excellent choice. The book chronicles the remarkable lives of couple Wong Guey Dang (1902–1983) and Jiang Tew Thloo (1911–2002), forced to live apart through twenty-five years of marriage because of Canada’s exclusionary immigration laws.


We know that moms and what they like to read come in many other shapes, sizes, likes and dislikes, so we’ve also created a Pinterest pinboard featuring more great titles from our publishers that moms might like! Check it out here.