I Have Lived Four Lives by Wilfred Buck (ARP Books)
Pistachios in my Pocket by Sareh Farmand (At Bay Press)
The Loyal Daughter by Nancy Lam (At Bay Press)
Almost Visible by Michelle Sinclair (Baraka Books)
Burning in This Midnight Dream by Louise B. Halfe (Brick Books)
Why I Was Late by Charlie Petch (Brick Books)
Bent Back Tongue by Garry Gottfriedson (Caitlin Press)
Worth More Standi ng: Poets and Activists Pay Homage to Trees Edited by Christine Lowther (Caitlin Press)
Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century by Kim Fu (Coach House Books)
The Sleeping Car Porter by Suzette Mayr (Coach House Books)
Kwändǖr by Cole Pauls (Conundrum Press)
Jade Is a Twisted Green by Tanya Turton (Dundurn Press)
The Polished Hoe by Austin Clarke (Dundurn Press)
My Road from Damascus: A Memoir by Jamal Saeed, translated by Catherine Cobham (ECW Press)
Modern Fables by Mikka Jacobsen (Freehand Books)
The Prairie Chicken Dance Tour by Dawn Dumont (Freehand Books)
Brat by Sophie Crocker (Gordon Hill Press)
WJD by Khashayar Mohammadi (Gordon Hill Press)
Chasing Baby: An Infertility Adventure by Morwenna Trevenen (Great Plains Publications)
My Left Skate: The Extraordinary Story of Eliezer Sherbatov by Anna Rosner (Great Plains Publications)
Everything You Dream Is Real by Lisa de Nikolits (Inanna Publications)
Horses in the Sand by Lorrie Potvin (Inanna Publications)
Five Minutes to Curtain: A Step-By-Step Guide for Creating and Staging Original Plays by Linda Lori Burgess (J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing)
Amik by Sharon King (Kegedonce Press)
Silence to Strength by Christine Miskonoodinkwe Smith (Kegedonce Press)
Dear Humans: A Letter from the Animals written by Nisha Coleman, illustrated by Shanthony Exum (Linda Leith Publishing)
Dear Black Girls written by Shanice Nicole, illustrated by Kezna Dalz (Metonymy Press)
Ghosts in a Photograph by Myrna Kostash (NeWest Press)
Duecentomila by kai fig taddei (Playwrights Canada Press)
I Am Everything in Between by Sydney Sunderland (Rebel Mountain Press)
Sangeet and the Missing Beat by Kiranjot Kaur (Rebel Mountain Press)
AfriCANthology: Perspectives of Black Canadian Poets edited by A. Gregory Frankson (Renaissance Press)
Nothing Without Us Too edited by Cait Gordon and Talia C. Johnson ()
Crow Stone by Gabriele Goldstone (Ronsdale Press)
Ruby Red Skies by Taslim Burkowicz (Roseway Publishing)
Daphne’s Bees by Catherine Dempsey (Running the Goat)
Lola Flies Alone by Bill Richardson (Running the Goat)
Down Came the Rain by Raye Anderson (Signature Editions)
Shop Class Hall Pass: Facing the Buried Trauma of Sexual Assault by Karin Martel (Signature Editions)
Dear Peter, Dear Ulla by Barbara Nickel (Thistledown Press)
Silencing Rebecca by Nikki Vogel (Thistledown Press)
All the Quiet Places by Brian Thomas Isaac (TouchWood Editions)
In This Together by Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail (Brindle & Glass Publishing)
Stealing John Hancock by H&A Christensen (Turnstone Press)
Hotline by Dimitri Nasrallah (Véhicule Press)
Prophetess by Baharan Baniahmadi (Véhicule Press)
* * *
Thank you to all the publishers and authors participating with us at OLA—we couldn’t have done this without you! We’re looking forward to the conference and hope to see you there.