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Fall Preview 2019: ALU Staff Picks
We’re staving off our end-of-summer woes to look ahead to one of our favourite times of year: fall books season. Check out what some of us at All Lit Up are putting at the top of our TBR piles this fall.
I’ve been a big fan of Andrew Kaufman since I read the international bestseller, All My Friends are Superheroes. He’s followed that up with The Waterproof Bible and Born Weird, both terrific reads, so I’m really looking forward to the release of his latest book, The Ticking Heart. Kaufman is funny and eloquent, and I’m keen to get my hands on this latest, the story of unwilling detective Charlie, trapped in Metaphoria, an imaginary world.
So many of my favourite pieces of art and literature have come from the various movements of the late 18th century through to the fin de siecle. Chris Eaton’s Symphony No. 3 (Book*hug Press) falls specifically within this period, so I’m especially looking forward to putting it on my TBR list for fall. The story follows the life of the historical composer Camille Saint-Saëns as he finds fame, stumbles up against dangerous misfortune and journeys into the dark for lost love.
The Cursed Hermit is book two in the graphic mystery series by Alexander Forbes and Kris Bertin. I loved The Case of the Missing Men, and can’t wait to catch up with Brennan and Pauline as the attempt to solve a rather disturbing behaviour-like situation at Knotty Pines boarding school. With a retro vibe that harkens back to the best parts of Nancy Drew and Scooby Doo, The Cursed Hermit is my must-read for the fall season.
Metonymy Press publishes some really rad books (Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars!Small Beauty!), and I’m ready to get fall-cozy with another one of their YA offerings: Dear Twin by Addie Tsai. The book follows nineteen-year-old Poppy, who while negotiating the complexities of being queer, is also dealing with her twin sister’s disappearance by writing her a series of nineteen letters — for each year of their lives — in hopes of having her twin return home. Also, that cover!