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Fall 2022: ALU Staff Picks

We don’t care that it’s still hot enough to wear shorts; we’re getting ready for fall with some exciting reads on our release radar. Check out what books our staffers will be reading as the leaves start to change and things get cozy.


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Barb’s Pick

Matisse: The Only Blue by Laura Marello (Guernica Editions)
I am always fascinated by what was happening in the art world – painters, writers, dancers – during the early half of the last century in France. There are so many incredible stories, when all these legendary people conglomerated, and they all seem to know each other; scary and exciting times. I am really looking forward to getting my hands on this biographical fiction about Matisse in early October.

Lauren’s Pick

tend by Kate Hargreaves (Book*hug)
This collection promises to excavate the “intimate awkwardness of modern life” – and what better way to describe a world where parasocial relationships abound and where wee babies were baptized via watergun (truly a top 10 unhinged pandemic moment, but I digress). Kate Hargreaves writes from the body, and you feel her poems in the body, too: an urgent buzzing behind your sternum, or an overall, desperate ache. So thrilled to see this new collection coming from Hargreaves, a personal fave since 2014’s Leak

Tan’s Pick

Call Me Bill by Lynette Richards (Conundrum Press)
This Fall, Conundrum Press is launching a new imprint for young adults called Emanata, and I cannot wait to read their first book! Call Me Bill is an historical narrative that explores identity, self determination, and radical imagination. Set against the backdrop of the worst maritime disaster before the Titanic, Call Me Bill explores the life of a young sailor, Bill, a victim of the S.S. Atlantic wreck off the coast of Nova Scotia. When Bill’s body was recovered, a secret was revealed. True to life, Call Me Bill draws on a range of historic newspapers from all over the world. Emma Donoghue called it “[v]isually inventive and eloquently written … a dazzling story of a short life lived daringly.”

Laura’s Pick

This Will Only Take a Minute: 100 Canadian Flashes, edited by Bruce Meyer and Michael Mirolla (Guernica Editions)
While I once preferred long-form writing, I now find my busy self drawn to the quick hit of flash narratives. An anthology containing a wealth of Canadian stories? Even better. 100 Canadian Flashes promises wide-ranging styles and lengths, with the proviso that no story is more than 500 words. The cover is pretty flashy, too.


What will you be reading this fall? Let us know @alllitupcanada.