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Cozy Fest: Daniel Scott Tysdal

Daniel Scott Tysdal, reads the poem “Bubble” from his latest collection, The End Is in the Middle (Goose Lane Editions) in front of his fireplace for today’s All Lit Up’s Cozy Fest. Make sure to check out his cinematic masterpiece.  


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Daniel Scott Tysdal is an award-winning writer, filmmaker, and teacher. He is the author of three poetry collections, including the ReLit Award-winning Predicting the Next Big Advertising Breakthrough Using a Potentially Dangerous Method and the widely acclaimed Fauxccasional Poems, as well as the poetry textbook The Writing Moment and the viral-trending TEDx talk “Everything You Need to Write a Poem (and How It Can Save a Life).” Tysdal teaches at the University of Toronto Scarborough.

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Keep up with #ALUcozyfest and our next presenter; Yvonne Blomer reading from The Last Show on Earth. Catch up on the festival here, or visit the festival shop.