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Cover Collage: With the Beatles!

This past summer, George Harrison’s memorial tree was killed, notably, by beetles. Because bugs can’t eat the internet, we’ve compared the covers of LPG titles with those of the Fab Four in this unorthodox edition of cover collage. We’ve also posted the song best suited from that album for the book. Plug in your headphones to your stereo, set it to 33 ⅓, and listen to some old classics while reading some new ones.


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This past summer, George Harrison’s memorial tree was killed, notably, by beetles. Because bugs can’t eat the internet, we’ve compared the covers of LPG titles with those of the Fab Four in this unorthodox edition of cover collage. I’ve also posted the song best suited from that album for the book. Plug in your headphones to your stereo, set it to 33 ⅓, and listen to some old classics – while reading some new ones.
 Please Please Me (1963) + From Someplace Else: A Memoir, by Ralph Osborne (ECW Press)Song: I Saw Her Standing There
With the Beatles (1963) + Nicolette by Robert Zend (Ronsdale Press)Song: You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me
A Hard Day’s Night (1964) + Adapt or Die by Jason Sherman (Playwrights Canada Press)Song: A Hard Day’s Night
Help! (1965) + Need Machine by Andrew Faulkner (Coach House Books)Song: Ticket to Ride
Revolver (1966) + Gophers and Swans by Gwen Hauser (Goose Lane Editions)Song: Eleanor Rigby
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967) + Posh Lust, by Louis Cabri (New Star Books)Song: A Day in the Life
The Beatles (The White Album) (1968) + All This Could be Yours, by Joshua Trotter (Biblioasis)Song: Glass Onion
Abbey Road (1969) + A Nervous City, by Chris Pannell (Wolsak & Wynn)Song: Mean Mr. Mustard
Yellow Submarine (1969) + Not Being on a Boat by Esme Claire Keith (Freehand Books)Song: Yellow Submarine