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Cover Collage: Green

As summer draws to a close, the leaves are starting to turn and before we know it, it will be winter. To keep the green in your life all year round add some of these beautiful green books to your book shelf!


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As summer draws to a close, the leaves are starting to turn and before we know it, it will be winter. To keep the green in your life all year round add some of these beautiful green books to your book shelf!

My Winnipeg by Guy Maddin (Coach House Books)
A  herd of horses frozen in a river. A bargain bridge. Séances. Golden Boy  pageants. A demolished hockey arena. St. Mary’s Academy for Girls.  Spanky the Guide Dog through Time. An epidemic of sleepwalking. This  is the Winnipeg of Guy Maddin, the world’s foremost cinéaste planant,  and it’s not the Winnipeg you’ll find in tourist brochures. When the  iconoclastic auteur of The Saddest Music in the World decided to tackle  the subject of his hometown, it could only have become a  ‘docu-fantasia,’ a melange of personal history, civic tragedy and  mystical hypothesizing. The result is wildly delirious, deeply personal  and deliciously entertaining.

Galaxy by Rachel Thompson (Anvil Press)
Galaxy  is about a wounded family, a prairie place, love that is queer and  conventional, longing and loss, and a light shone into dark corners. Galaxy is “emotional biography,” as Margaret Laurence called it, where  the facts are fabricated, but the feelings are authentic. “A truly  wonderful collection of poems. Wonderful and clear imagery as well as a  “real” and “true” sense of place, love, longing, family, and the  constant struggle and re-negotiation of self and experience. ‘Galaxy’  possesses a simple but sensual approach to language and tone.” — Gregory  Scofield, author of kipocihkan: Poems New & Selected

Roost by Ali Bryn (Freehand Books)
Claudia,  single mother of two young children, pines for her past independent  life. Her ex, after all, has moved on to a new wardrobe, a new penchant  for lattes—new adult friends. But in Claudia’s house she’s still finding  bananas in the sock drawer, cigarettes taped to wrestling figures, and  doodles on her MasterCard bills. Then Claudia receives the unexpected  news that her mother has died. Shared through the hilarious, honest,  and often poignant perspective of a single mother, Roost is the story of  a woman learning about motherhood while grieving the loss of her own  mother. And as she begins to mend, she’s also learning that she might be  able to accept her home—as it is.

I Don’t Feel So Good by Elizabeth Bachinsky (BookThug)
I  Don’t Feel So Good is comprised of material selected from the  handwritten journals and notes of Elizabeth Bachinsky (1986-2012). Lines  and passages were selected by the roll of a die and appear in the order  the die saw fit. In blending confessional and procedural techniques  with disjunctive chronology and random chance, this book explores and  exacerbates possibilities of the narrative mode both within the text and  for the reader. Not so much "written" as "received."

Dancing on Our Turtle’s Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-Creation, Resurgence, and a New Emergence by Leanne Simpson (ARP Books)
Many  promote Reconciliation as a “new” way for Canada to relate to  Indigenous Peoples. In Dancing on Our Turtle’s Back activist,  editor, and educator Leanne Simpson asserts reconciliation must be  grounded in political resurgence and must support the regeneration of  Indigenous languages, oral cultures, and traditions of governance. Simpson  explores philosophies and pathways of regeneration, resurgence, and a  new emergence through the Nishnaabeg language, Creation Stories, walks  with Elders and children, celebrations and protests, and meditations on  these experiences. She stresses the importance of illuminating  Indigenous intellectual traditions to transform their relationship to  the Canadian state.

The Cloaca by Andrew Hood (Invisible Publishing)
The stories included in Andrew Hood’s sophomore collection are beautiful, gross, funny, and personal. The Cloaca is a train wreck of awesomeness. It’s your high school gym coach, drunk and dishing dirt on all the other teachers on the crosstown bus—a stomach-turning spectacle that’ll make you laugh out loud now, feel bad later. You won’t be able to look away for an instant.