Collected Collections: (Even More) Debuts

There are so many great debut short story collections we couldn’t help but to share more for our Collected Collections series. With imaginative range these authors introduce us to spins on reality that consider loneliness, loss, and resilience.  


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This Collected Collection: (Even More) Debuts

Above Discoveryby Jennifer Falkner (Invisible Publishing)Jennifer Falkner’s richly imagined first collection, past and present glancingly converge, making the familiar outlines of myth, history, and everyday life seem suddenly strange. From a couple coping with a recent loss, to an archaeologist formerly working in Syria struggles with her decision to flee from unrest, Falkner uses range to introduce readers to narrative are written in the language of empty space. Falkner’s stories have won the HWA/Dorothy Dunnett Short Story competition, the Retreat West Short Story Contest, and the Little Bird Short Story Contest.Personal Attention Roleplay by H. Felix Chau Bradley (Metonymy Press)Shortlisted for the TWUC Danuta Gleed Literary Award Shortlisted for the Kobo Emerging Writer Prize, the stories in Personal Attention Roleplay are propelled by queer loneliness, mixed-race confusion, late capitalist despondency, and the pitfalls of intimacy. H. Felix Chau Bradley in these stories hints at the uncanny while remaining grounded in the everyday.Such a Lovely Afternoonby Patti Flather (Inanna Publications)Award-winning Yukon writer Patti Flather, reveals poignant beauty, compassion and humour in everyday lives, with characters searching for identity and belonging, delving into their resilience and humanity. “Such A Lovely Afternoon is the fiction debut of a seasoned and accomplished storyteller” says Kevin Chong author of The Double Life of Benson Yu.

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We’ll be back each week with more Short Story Month Collected Collections – so stay tuned! If this post inspired you to “collect” one or all of these fantastic books, let us know on social @alllitupcanada.