Chappy Hour: Underlined Passages + The Emu Dialogues

This month’s poetry selection, The Emu Dialogues, published by Quattro Books, is a playful yet complex collection that speaks for itself.


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This month’s poetry selection, The Emu Dialogues, published by Quattro Books, is a playful yet complex collection that speaks for itself:Emu is a literary cult named after a bird improvised from the spare parts of other birds, a bird that never flies because flying is a cliché. Emu is I AM YOU AND YOU ARE ME spoken at the speed of light. Emu is literature’s barber shop, where Dadaism, Surrealism, L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E get their weltanschauung trimmed and catch up on the latest sports gossip. This is a collection of poetry for poets and I’ve paired it with a cocktail for writers. The Underlined Passages is frothy, fun yet sophisticated. A perfect compliment.
What You Need:
A Cocktail Shaker
Ice cubes
1 1/2 oz brandy
1 oz Navan vanilla liqueur
1/2 oz Dumante Verdenoce pistachio liqueur
1 egg white, preferably organic
What to Do:Fill your cocktail shaker halfway full with ice cubes. Then add the brandy, Navan, Dumante, and egg white. Shake exceptionally well. Strain into a cocktail glass.Source: Ginger Bliss and the Violet Fizz by A.J. RathbunWhat to Read:
Read an excerpt from The Emu Dialogues by Luciano Iacobelli, Jens kohler, and Robert Marra here.* * *Love our Chappy Hour column? Read past entries here.