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CarryOnBooks: Books! In Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport!
Launched on June 1st and running until the end of August, All Lit Up is excited to bring you 30 incredible CanLit titles at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport — in a vending machine! Yep, you read that right; in a few simple taps you can grab new, exciting literature to carry on — see what we did there? — to your flight. Or, you can even grab a book upon your arrival back into Toronto!
All the books in the CarryOnBooks Machine
A Handbook for Beautiful People by Jennifer Spruit (Inanna Publications)A Thousand Consolations by Julie Roorda (Brindle & Glass Publishing)All That is Solid Melts Into Air by Carole Giangrande (Inanna Publications)An Extraordinary Destiny by Shekhar Paleja (Brindle & Glass Publishing)Bearskin Diary by Carol Daniels (Nightwood Editions)Blood Fable by Oisín Curran (BookThug)carried away on the crest of a wave by David Yee (Playwrights Canada Press)Edge of Wild by D.K. Stone (Stonehouse Publishing)Encountering Riel by David D. Orr (Stonehouse Publishing)Flush by Sky Curtis (Inanna Publications)How Black Mothers Say I Love You by Trey Anthony (Playwrights Canada Press)It’s Only the Himalayas by S. Beford (Brindle & Glass Publishing)Kalyna by Pam Clark (Stonehouse Publishing)League of the Star by N.R. Cruse (Stonehouse Publishing)Mary Green by Melanie Kerr (Stonehouse Publishing)My Conversations with Canadians by Lee Maracle (BookThug)No Fury Like That by Lisa de Nikolits (Inanna Publications)Notes from a Feminist Killjoy by Erin Wunker (BookThug)Once Upon a Time in West Toronto by Terri Favro (Inanna Publications)Pauls by Jess Taylor (BookThug)Rich and Poor by Jacob Wren (BookThug)Should Auld Acquaintance by Melanie Murray (Nightwood Editions)The Clothesline Swing by Ahmad Danny Ramadan (Nightwood Editions)The Monument by Colleen Wagner, Introduction by Richard Rose (Playwrights Canada Press)The Red Files by Lisa Bird-Wilson (Nightwood Editions)The Whole Beautiful World by Melissa Kuipers (Brindle & Glass Publishing)Up the Garden Path & The Adventures of the Black Girl in her Search for God by Lisa Codrington (Playwrights Canada Press)Who Killed Spalding Grey? by Daniel MacIvor (Playwrights Canada Press)Witness, I Am by Gregory Scofield (Nightwood Editions)Your Heart is the Size of Your Fist by Dr. Martina Scholtens (Brindle & Glass Publishing)What You’re Saying About CarryOnBooks
“It’s important — you know? Really vital stuff; literature. So it’s really cool to see something like this.””…interesting — you’re drawn to it immediately, and then you read the descriptions of the books and you just want to buy all of them.””What a cool initiative to get books into people’s hands.””I appreciate the selection…you’re shining a light on stuff that might be passed over at a big bookstore.”So thank you already to those who’ve been so supportive. And hey, who doesn’t love a good book haul pic? Especially when it comes from a vending machine. Share your haul with us using the hashtag #CarryOnBooks. So, after you’ve looked out the window, after you’ve turned off the movie, after you’ve binged Youtube videos, why not settle in with that book that caught your eye in the CarryOnBooks vending machine?