You Crushed It

With the caustic daring of Brett Easton Ellis and the offbeat, psychological insight of Douglas Coupland, You Crushed It is a captivating exploration of love and the corroding nature of power in creative industries.

Raph Massi is crushing it. A young up-and-coming comedian, he’s successfully navigating the internal cosmos of the stand-up industry and burying long-borne insecurities with each successful gig. He does so with the support of his girlfriend, Laurie, who narrates the book, sharing their sensual, mundane moments of new love and the creative collaborations that follow.

But, when Laurie dumps him, Raph’s heartbreak metastasizes into paranoia, cruelty, and a path that is as lonely as it is destructive. Baril Guérard shares an exacting portrayal of the innermost thoughts we hide from the world and from ourselves. The result is a devastating critique of the soft underbelly of toxic masculinity and the complicated ferocity of those who protect it.

You Crushed It is an eminently readable, witty reflection on artistic prowess, community, and the intoxication of success.


Beyond its fascinating premise You Crushed It is a rare kind of love story one that dissects the psyche of a man suffering through a painful breakup The sympathy we at first feel for standup comic Raph Massi turns to pity then impatience as he clings to the paranoid belief that hes the butt of a sick joke and tries to take everyone down with him Le Devoir

Caustic sarcastic and raw You Crushed It shines a spotlight on the world of comedy and what it reveals isnt pretty An upandcoming young comedian is totally shattered when hes dumped by his girlfriend who narrates their story in the second person and future tense a daring choice A captivating novel that gets under the skin where all our insecurities pettiness and contradictions lie La Presse


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260 Pages
8in * 5.25in * 0.6in


April 01, 2025

Country of Publication:



Book*hug Press



Book Subjects:

FICTION / Humorous / Dark Humor



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