White Lie

By (author): Clint Burnham

Part travelogue, part autofiction, part record of living under Western regimes that torture, kidnap, and murder its own citizens and those who wish to cross its borders, White Lie is a collection of super-short fictions. Written to be read in a book, but written on a phone, about that technology, about how our stories today blend into factual-seeming fictions and lying propaganda. Repressed memories of living in repressive societies. Like Tierra Whack’s album of one-minute rap songs or Stan Douglas’ Monodramas. Shorter than a stand-up comic’s joke and longer than a criminal tyrannical president’s tweet. A museum room full of paintings you zoom thru in thirty seconds or Thirty Two Short Films about Glenn Gould.

New fakes for attention spans that … what was I saying? Something something the age of distraction. You get me.

Clint Burnham’s White Lie is a series of quick bursts – hilarious, tragic, and thoughtful in turn. You won’t forget these paragraph-length stories because you will read them again and again.


Clint Burnham

Clint Burnham’s most recent book is a new novel from Arsenal Pulp Press, ‘Smokeshow’. Burnham is also the author of ‘The Jamesonian Unconscious: The Aesthetics of Marxist Theory’, ‘Fatal Femmes: the poetry of Lynne Crosbie’, two collections of poetry, ‘Be Labour Reading’ and ‘Buddyland’, and numerous chapbooks. A new book of poetry is forthcoming from Anvil Press in 2007. Clint has served on the editorial collective of ‘Fuse’ magazine, was a contributing editor for ‘Paragraph’, and is currently on the editorial collective of ‘Boo’.


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144 Pages
7.72in * 5.09in * .36in


August 15, 2021



Book Subjects:

FICTION / Short Stories



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