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The Western Alienation Merit Badge

By (author): Nancy Jo Cullen

In 1982 Calgary, the Murray family struggles with grief as they totter on the brink of financial ruin in the wake of Canada’s disastrous National Energy Program. Returning home to help their dad pay down the mortgage after the death of their stepmother, sisters Frances and Bernadette find themselves continuously at odds. When Robyn, a long-lost friend, becomes their house guest, old tensions are enflamed and the Murrays risk becoming alienated from one another.

Part family saga, part queer coming-of-age story, The Western Alienation Merit Badge explores the complex dynamics of a small family, and a big country, on the verge of coming apart.


Nancy Jo Cullen

Nancy Jo Cullen’s poetry and fiction have appeared in The PuritanGrainfilling StationPlenitude, Prairie Fire, Arc, This Magazine, Best Canadian Poetry 2018, Room, Journey Prize and Best Canadian Fiction 2012. Nancy is the 2010 recipient for the Dayne Ogilvie Prize for LGBTQ+ Emerging Writers. She’s published three collections of poetry with Frontenac House and a collection of short stories, Canary, with Biblioasis. Her first novel, The Western Alienation Merit Badge, was shortlisted for the 2020 Amazon Canada First Novel Award.


This is not a book about exceptional people living extraordinary lives Instead the story here written in taut focused prose follows people whose lives are permeated with sadness regret and the threat of financial ruin ad who struggle to get through difficult days to the best of their abilities The Western Alienation Merit Badge is easy to read and to recommend to others a short dive into an Alberta familys life that leaves a lasting impression

Alberta Views

It is fun to read a smart book where Calgary is given a starring role The locations the atmosphere and the dialogue are all achingly familiar Plus there is a queer protagonist at the heart of it fans of Calgary gay history could not ask for anything more

Calgary Gay History

At first blush this is a quirky queer comingofage novel In her strippeddown everyday prose Cullen details the small hurts and moments of silence that break Frankies heart when she refuses to hide her sexuality from her conservative familyThe Western Alienation Merit Badge is a moving portrait of fathers and daughters sisters friendship and the mistakes we all make along the way

Toronto Star

The Western Alienation Merit Badge earns its proficiency badges Be prepared for a good read



  • ReLit Award for Novel 2020, Short-listed
  • Amazon Canada First Novel Award 2020, Short-listed
  • Fred Kerner Book Award 2020, Short-listed
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    242 Pages


    May 28, 2019



    Book Subjects:

    FICTION / Family Life / Siblings



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