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The Riot that Never Was

By (author): James Jackson

Combining the moral indignation of Émile Zola and the writing talent and historical perspective of Pierre Berton, this detailed inquiry claims that an 1832 Montreal riot—which allegedly caused British troops to open fire—simply never happened and that there was no mob when soldiers opened fire, leaving three innocent bystanders dead. The examination corroborates these assertions with affidavits presented to a packed grand jury that exonerated the soldiers, officers, and magistrates who called in the troops. Also noteworthy is that the grand jury comprised a majority of recently arrived English-speaking Protestant farmers, even though the three victims were French Canadian and Catholic. Most troubling, the author notes, is the fact that historians have not questioned the official story; but here he attempts to set the record straight.


James Jackson

James Jackson holds a DPhil from Oxford University, taught French and Quebec literature and history for 25 years at Trinity College in Dublin, and was twice elected president of the Association for Canadian Studies in Ireland. He lives in Montreal, Quebec.


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360 Pages
215.9mm * 8.5in * 5.5in * 139.7mm * 0.9in22.86mm


November 01, 2009


Baraka Books



Book Subjects:

HISTORY / Canada / Pre-Confederation (to 1867)

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