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Tarte à l’esquimaude: une poétique de l’identité inuit

By (author): Norma Dunning

Translated by: Hatouma Sako

Tarte à l’esquimaude: une poétique de l’identité inuit is the French translation of Eskimo Pie: A Poetics of Inuit Identity previously published in English by BookLand Press. This poetry collection examines the author’s lived history as an Inuk who was born, raised and continues to live south of sixty. Her writing takes into account the many assimilative practices that Inuit continue to face and the expectations of mainstream as to what an Inuk person can and should be. Her words examine what it is like to feel the constant rejection of her work from non-Inuit people and how she must in some way find the spirit to carry through with what she holds to be true demonstrating the importance of standing tall and close to her words as an Indigenous woman.


Norma Dunning

Norma Dunning is an Inuit writer, scholar, professor and grandmother. She grew up beyond the tundra and lived mainly in smaller, northern communities across Canada. She will say that she grew up in the places that no one would ever think to drive to. She won the Danuta Gleed Literary Award in 2018 for her short story collection Annie Muktuk and Other Stories. In the same year she was a finalist for the City of Edmonton Book Award. Dunning writes in both poetry and prose, with poetry being her first go-to when it comes to creative work. Through the support of other Indigenous writers, Dunning came to realize that what she writes matters, although it remains difficult for her to share her work widely.


Hatouma Sako

Hatouma Sako a grandi dans une famille plurilingue qui faisait coexister joyeusement culture de l’oralité et culture du livre sans rapport de forces. Elle en a hérité une passion pour l’apprentissage des langues, la poésie, la littérature, les pratiques performantielles ainsi qu’une sensibilité pour les entre-deux et les entre-plusieurs que l’expérience de la traduction et la pratique de l’anthropologie lente permettent d’explorer et de cultiver. Elle a enseigné à l’Université Paris Diderot, à l’Inalco (Paris) et a été auxiliaire d’enseignement et de recherche à l’Université de Montréal.


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Tarte à l’esquimaude: une poétique de l’identité inuit is the French translation of Eskimo Pie: A Poetics of Inuit Identity previously published in English by BookLand Press. This poetry collection examines the author’s lived history as an Inuk who was born, raised and continues to live south of sixty. Her writing takes into account the many assimilative practices that Inuit continue to face and the expectations of mainstream as to what an Inuk person can and should be. Her words examine what it is like to feel the constant rejection of her work from non-Inuit people and how she must in some way find the spirit to carry through with what she holds to be true demonstrating the importance of standing tall and close to her words as an Indigenous woman.

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80 Pages
8.5in * 5.5in * 1in


January 10, 2022

Country of Publication:



Bookland Press



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