Shrinking Violets

By (author): Heidi Greco

A novella by Heidi Greco


Heidi Greco

Heidi Greco is a longtime resident of Surrey, BC. In addition to writing and editing, she often leads workshops – on topics that range from ekphrastic poetry to chapbook making. She’s been an advocate for the literary arts in her community and was instrumental in establishing two distinct reading series, but she considers her greatest success to have been convincing her city to hire an official Poet Laureate. She writes in many genres – with poems, fiction, essays and book reviews to her credit. Her books include a novella, SHRINKING VIOLETS which was co-winner of the Ken Klonsky Award in 2011. Her work has also appeared in many anthologies, most recently in MAKE IT TRUE: POETRY FROM CASCADIA (Leaf Press, 2015) and THE REVOLVING CITY 51 POEMS AND THE STORIES BEHIND THEM (Anvil, 2015). In addition to making Sunday suppers for her adult sons, she keeps a sporadic blog at


“Things are not what they seem—they never are. The almost-cozy world of soap opera domesticity …goes sour, in unexpected and startling ways. As gripping a read as you’re likely to come upon soon.”


  • 2011, Joint winner
  • Excerpts & Samples ×
    Aside from the fact that she was born with bright orange hair, Reggie has always felt pretty ordinary. She works as a supermarket cashier, and her life as a single mother isn’t exactly what she’d wanted. But just when things start going the way she thinks they’re supposed to, she discovers that even that road isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.Aside from the fact that she was born with bright orange hair, Reggie has always felt pretty ordinary. She works as a supermarket cashier, and her life as a single mother isn’t exactly what she’d wanted. But just when things start going the way she thinks they’re supposed to, she discovers that even that road isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

    Reader Reviews



    128 Pages
    8.5in * 5.5in * 0.25in


    April 01, 2011


    Quattro Books



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