Ghost Pine: All Stories True

Jeff Miller has published the zineGhost Pine (originally Otaku) since 1996. Whether documenting his youth in suburban Ottawa in the late 1990s, travels across North America or his current home of Montreal, Miller’s autobiographical stories isolate the small moments and overlooked details of everyday life. His stories are equal measures funny and sad, nostalgic and unsentimental, punk rock and grandparents.

Ghost Pine: All Stories True (Invisible Publishing) collects the best stories from the zine’s first thirteen years as well as over fifty pages of new and previously unpublished material.


Jeff Miller writes raw truths like an innocent, describes people with harsh forgiveness, and sees the dreary world we inhabit as if it were brand new. He makes all memories beautiful, even the painful ones.There’s no other voice like his.


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Jeff Miller has published the zineGhost Pine (originally Otaku) since 1996. Whether documenting his youth in suburban Ottawa in the late 1990s, travels across North America or his current home of Montreal, Miller’s autobiographical stories isolate the small moments and overlooked details of everyday life. His stories are equal measures funny and sad, nostalgic and unsentimental, punk rock and grandparents. Ghost Pine: All Stories True (Invisible Publishing) collects the best stories from the zine’s first thirteen years as well as over fifty pages of new and previously unpublished material.

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225 Pages


April 15, 2010



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