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Come From Away

The third volume in the best-selling nursing history series. Overseas recruitment of nurses has been part of nursing in Newfoundland and Labrador since Wilfred Grenfell brought the first two nurses to Labrador in 1893. It is believed that hundreds of nurses have come from away to work, live, and sometimes stay in the province. This book shares the stories of 41 nurses who immigrated to NL from 1949 to 2004 and who made a tremendous contribution to healthcare in the province. Their stories shed light on the challenges they encountered in the workplace and with the province’s lifestyle and culture. The stories are funny, poignant, and highlight the courage and commitment of these nurses along with the strong attachment they grew to have for their adopted home.


Marilyn Beaton

Marilyn Beaton has been a nurse for over thirty years. For many of those years she has been an Associate Professor at the Memorial University School of Nursing where she has taught basic and Post RN nursing students. Throughout her career Marilyn has been very active in nursing, serving on various provincial and national committees. Marilyn comes from a family tradition of nursing with many of her family members having also been nurses. Because of this and other nurses she has met, she wanted to record the history, tell the stories and preserve the strong tradition of nursing in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Jeanette Walsh

Jeanette Walsh is retired from nursing after a 35 year career in the profession. Jeanette worked in a variety of nursing positions but spent the majority of her career in nursing education primarily at the General Hospital School of Nursing. During her time in nursing Jeanette was very involved in professional activities at both the provincial and national levelrnrnJeanette also comes from a family tradition of nursing with her sister, aunt and several cousins in nursing. As a graduate of the General Hospital School of Nursing, Jeanette shared a similar education tradition as the nurses interviewed for this book. Jeanette volunteers at the Lillian Stevenson Archives/ Museum preserving nursing history.


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The third volume in the best-selling nursing history series. Overseas recruitment of nurses has been part of nursing in Newfoundland and Labrador since Wilfred Grenfell brought the first two nurses to Labrador in 1893. It is believed that hundreds of nurses have come from away to work, live, and sometimes stay in the province. This book shares the stories of 41 nurses who immigrated to NL from 1949 to 2004 and who made a tremendous contribution to healthcare in the province. Their stories shed light on the challenges they encountered in the workplace and with the province’s lifestyle and culture. The stories are funny, poignant, and highlight the courage and commitment of these nurses along with the strong attachment they grew to have for their adopted home.

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224 Pages


November 15, 2011

City of Publication:

St. John’s

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