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Bingemas: For the “Here for Drama” Dilettante
You know this person: they judiciously follow the movie awards race and watch every Oscars to the end (even when the technical awards were mixed in). Your giftee loves gripping acting and dramatic scenarios, whether it’s the uncomfortable tension in Carnage or the twanging of a banjo signifying something much more sinister in Deliverance. We’ve got the Bingemas books they’ll love.
ALU Editor
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The right way to lure your film-loving gift recipient towards their perfect book present is by telling them they can finish it by the 1000th commercial break of the Golden Globes. The wrong way is by telling them you got it for 15% off here on All Lit Up.Carnage = = = Late Companyby Jordan Tannahill (Playwrights Canada Press)The movie Carnage unfolds in the home of a couple, who invite and meet with another couple over a fight between their two sons. Their initially pleasant conversation quickly sours, with each couple finding blame with the other one, and their own partners, too. With an award-winning cast, the “bottle” film – taking place in just one setting, the house – is all about the tenuous sheen of civility that we agree to share, and what happens when that falls away. Likewise, with its award-winning playwright Jordan Tannahill, Late Company delves expertly into the dinnertime conversation of parents Debora and Michael, their son Joel’s bully, and the bully’s parents after Joel commits suicide. The tensions among the dinner guests and the desire to assign blame echo Carnage perfectly.Deliverance = = = A Place You’ll Never Beby Rick Hillis (Coteau Books)Shocking when it was first released (and still, for that), Deliverance depicts the at-times gruesome survival of four men on a recreational canoe trip in backwoods Georgia. Like Deliverance, Rick Hillis’ posthumously-published novel A Place You’ll Never Be traces the route of five soon-to-be-released inmates and their guard on a canoe trip in Northern Saskatchewan. What was supposed to be a social experiment to prepare the inmates for life outside prison becomes a meditation on what people will do to survive – dealing drugs and grave violence notwithstanding – and an ultimate reckoning when the river trip finally ends.* * *Got fans of Carnage, Deliverance, or other great movies on your list? Get them Late Companyand/or A Place You’ll Never Be for 15% off, but only until December 15th (discount reflected at cart). You’ll get a special gift for yourself, too! For more Bingemas picks, click here.