Bingemas: For the Existentialist

For the great contemplaters of life who ground themselves with TV shows like The Good Place and who probably have all seasons of Six Feet Under on DVD, our Bingemas selections will be the kind of escape they’re dying for.


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These two book recommendations for the existentialist in your life will breathe new life into their bookshelf (and they’re 15% off now!)
The Good Place = = =  Beforelife by Randal Graham (ECW Press) If the quirky, absurdist humour and moral philosophy of NBC’s The Good Place struck a heavenly chord with anyone on your gift list, Randal Graham’s satirical novel Beforelife (ECW Press) will win otherworldly points. Like The Good Place‘s Eleanor who wakes in a seemingly utopian afterlife to find she’s been killed by an avalanche of shopping carts, Beforelife‘s Ian finds a similar fate with a train in Toronto’s Union Station and a first-class pass to an afterlife where everyone who believes in a pre-mortem life is diagnosed with “Beforelife Delusion.” (You know there’s nothing nefarious going on.)
Six Feet Under = = =  You Are Among Monsters by Jon R. Flieger (Palimpsest Press) You Are Among Monsters (Palimpsest Press) will fill the gaping hole HBO’s award-winning dramedy Six Feet Under left some 15 years later. A funny, astute meditation on death, Jon R. Flieger’s debut novel resurrects what fans of Six Feet Under arguably miss: self-discovery, reinvention set against the backdrop of a funeral home, and the type of dark humour that only comes with topics as grave as death. At the core of You Are Among Monsters lies storytelling—namely who gets to do the telling—that fans of Six Feet Under will find solace in.* * *Fans of The Good Place and Six Feet Under will find gospel in Beforelife and You Are Among Monsters. PLUS: we’re taking 15% off until December 15 and gifting you a super cool postcard with art by Meags Fitzgerald and an additional 15% off in January. COME ON, right? Stay tuned for more Bingemas tomorrow!